Barbara Motoh Bračanov

Na napačni strani

Ko mi nekdo seže v srce
da bi mi povedal pravljico
takrat vem
spet je čas
posutih z zvezdnim prahom
in tlakovanih s krvjo
življenje darling
bo vedno ostalo
na napačni strani.

On the wrong side

When my heart is touched
By ones fairy-tale
I know the time
of paths strewn by stardust has come
I know the time
of paths strewn by stardust and paved with pain is here
Life my darling will always remain on the wrong side
(by Barbara Motoh Bračanov)

Mirjana Gvozdenac-glasba, vokal, klavir (music, vocal&piano)
Dejan Zornada-saksofon, klarinet (saxophone&clarinet)
Guest: Valentin Destradi-bobni, tolkala (drums&percussions)

besedilo/lyrics: Barbara Motoh Bračanov

glasba/music: Mirjana Gvozdenac

režija/director: NadaR.

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